
T-1 is a slight downhill brake zone – brake early; release the break gently as you turn in.

It is over 90o, so needs continued steering input. Lots of grip on the apex, clip the curbing.

Quickly shift your vision to T-2 Apex – ‘bend’ your way to it. Squeeze the throttle to help rotate the car and track all the way out.

1-2 is about fast but smooth inputs and weight transfer. Think ahead.

The Beginning of 3 is blind, and then off camber (meaning slopes away from you, so less grip). Pick a brake marker and plan your turn into 3  by looking for the apex curbing (left) as you crest the hill.

3 should feel like a continuous, long turn. Practice shifting your vision early – keep scanning left.

Think of 3 B as a late Apex – let your car rotate so you can have.a better car position for the trackout.

The transition from the 3 B trackout towards  4 should be a smooth weight transfer  to the left wheels. You should ease off the throttle and keep your hands moving to get to the apex of 4, then roll back on throttle but expect the car to get lighter as you go downhill.

The Elevation drop will cause a meaningful slip angle — your car will tend to slide towards the curbing.

Try to align Parallel to the track out curbing.

Firm break at the bottom of the hill and immediate slow release – your car is headed downhill, so you need to slow down, but the track transitions into an uphill; it is important to maintain momentum.

Rotate the car and quickly get back to throttle.

The car gets light at the top of the hill on 5 – track all the way out to get speed into the straight.

You want to roll as much speed as possible mid-corner into turn 6

Slow Hands, look all the way uphill – aim for a late apex

You need to keep your car towards the right at track out — to set up for turn 7

7 is a late Apex – it is the second portion of an S > the key is to set up for a fast entry into the turn 8 brake zone.

Make sure your car is straight into the turn brake zone. Release the brake (tril brake) as you lead into the turn-in.

8 is more than 90 degrees – and going downhill. You run out track quickly – so be prepared !

The key to 8 is making a nice arc and getting the car to turn while rolling speed

Use the curbing (it has some structure and will help turn the car); practice getting the car rotated all the way so you can end up parallel to the track out curbing — and use the entire track.

You’ll need to manage your slip angle (where ou aim vs. where you slide to),

and think ahead as you come through Turn 9.

Use the Curbing on 9 to ‘straighten’ out the S a little, and position yourself for turn 10.

Turn 10 leads you onto the back straight – the longest straight on the track.

You need to look all the way to the end of the trackout– and envision an arc all the way to the end of the curbing

The end of the Back straight is the fastest brake zone on the track – use the brake markers to gain confidence.

Look for the to curbing and Apex at 11 – get there. Then stay left to set up for 12

The car will get light at the top of the hill after turn 11; let it settle before giving steering input

Then look right all the way through 12, and start squeezing the throttle. You want to practice applying throttle gradually so you stay on the throttle through 12 – lifting, especially abruptly, will significantly upset the car in this section.

There is lots of grip on 12 apex (compression ta the bottom of the hill); keep some steering input after the track out to gently let the
car come back to the right and line up for turn 13

13 is a Downhill brake zone and turn. The first Apex sets up the entire, long arc through the exit of 9

Staying on the brake a little (trailing) for the first part of the turn (13 A). keeps your nose down and grip on the front tires

Look far left and visualize a long arc. The bottom of the hill gives you compression and lots of grip. Squeeze confidently on the throttle through the apex, track-out all the way to the curbing – and get ready for braking before the uphill

Come back to mid-track and look right — way up the hill !! Your apex is at what looks like the top

It’s a blind track out (where the actual top of the hill is) so you will need to memorize when you can go back to full throttle

Pick a brake marker – Brake hard and shift your vision to the first Apex; get there

Keep steering input in the wheel – your car needs to stay loaded all the way around

Look left towards the track-out as soon as you make your first apex

Be patient, let the car rotate. When you see the second apex, smooth but aggressive throttle application (it’s ok to go a hair wide of
the 3 B apex) will get you to Start/Finish in a hurry!!